The American secrete service, according to Trump, has evidence that the Russians interfered with the last American elections, which Trump unexpectedly won. Putin denied it and they decided to move forward, dealing with world affairs. This is good news, since a conflict amongst those two may spell a nuclear war. What remains is correcting the problem of the USA being lead by a President who did not get elected fairly by a democratic process. This can be fixed in the US, by the US.
The main reason why the Russians would interfere with the American elections would be to remove the US sanctions on Russia and by doing so remove the barrier to developing oil extraction in the far north which would please Exon share holders to no end and expose the world to cheep oil which will hasten global warming and human collective suicide. This would also be beneficial to the Russian named Abrahamovich, a multibillionaire who reportedly chose and placed Putin in power. The oil billionaires on both sides would enrich themselves at the expanse of human long term survival, leaving future generations to try and repair the damage. How can we deal with this situation fairly and safely.
The simplest solution would be for the US to set up new elections to take place no later then the end of this year. All the primaries, campaign and final elections could be hastened in order to protect the democratic process. If Trump wins without interference by foreign powers, so be it. In the mean time the presidents powers must be restricted to maintaining the country on it's present course, as during the last stable administration and not allowing any major new deals or new wars to take place. If the United States is going to change course on a dime, it should not happen without the participation of all it's citizens as promised in the constitution. Mistakes do happen and we are normally judged by how we fix them.
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