Monday, 10 July 2017

Christian Right, 2017.

            It is at the point now where if you encounter "Christian" symbols you should suspect something. I remember the news here, in Canada, investigating the looting during the Bush wars and interviewing people who witnessed it. Also a lot of American tax money went into "rebuilding" what they destroyed in Iraq and the money went directly into the pockets of private companies. What they rebuilt was the oil infrastructure which went immediately into the pockets of American oil companies that took over oil production and export. Only  American and British companies were permitted since they participated in the plunder. It was their eighteen year olds who sacrificed life and limb for the "freedom and Democracy" that you guys are enjoying to this day. Using much superior weapons they won the war and returned home to find out that their benefits are cut, and many ended up sleeping under bridges trying to reconcile with what they have done and witnessed. The tough ones often joined private security firms and became the arm of the law that beats up native and black protestors who are peacefully protesting what is being done to them again, in order to increase profits of corporations which are often owned by share holders from any where. The profits are only taxed lightly before being whisked into offshore accounts that can't be traced for tax purposes but can be invested for vast returns. The peasants, that's us, are finding themselves in need of infrastructure which now will be privatized and we will pay for each item as we use it. Schools, roads, bridges or whatever we need.  If we don't like it we will be tossed in to a private jail.

            The saddest part of this story is, that its all done by a coalition of the Christian and the right. The Christian right, which is getting most of our votes during elections.' under this or that name. They always win. The forefathers provided us with the tools to avoid this kind of exploitation but we find ourselves unable to organize effective resistance. They toss us a bone and say that we are suffering because of Muslims or Mexicans and we go fighting on their side against our own interests. The Muslims or Mexicans take a beating and we feel that justice have been done. The chocolate cake in Maralago is so delicious providing additional pleasure for the masters while watching on big screen Arabs being bombed without any chance of retaliation.

            I am against pitch fork revolutions because I don't see a chance of winning them, but I so much sympathize or understand why some people are turning that way. The solution, in my opinion is in our ability to communicate the truth to every member of our society in such a way that they will understand. The population is mostly literate and we have modern tools to spread messages in ways unheard of in the past. All it takes is more of what is already happening. Combine our experience from the sixties with our knowledge of today, and you have a force equal or greater then the "Christian right" especially with so many people realizing that the Right is the opposite of Christian, regardless of being anti gay or against birth control. When I leave this world I want to know that Christian values are love your neighbor as yourself, not oppress the unfortunate until you squeeze their last penny and drop of blood. People are not "Human Resources" but creatures in the image of God.

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