Sunday, 19 June 2016

Heart, soul and words.

 I was watching a video filmed in some dead poet's tomb. The people spoke Persian. Someone was reading the poet's words to some others. I listened intently, but all I could hear was meaningless gibberish. I saw that the listeners were very intense and one lifted an arm to wipe off a tear. The reader's voice quivered with emotion. I became serious, respecting what this people, on the screen of my computer, are feeling. They are emitting and receiving combinations of sounds that they all pre-agreed mean something.  Those are words in Persian language that is older than Hebrew, which I used to believe was the language of creation. God told Man to name all the animals and plants, and man gave them Hebrew words. The words, combined with other words, communicate an idea. The ideas combined with other ideas form into human emotions.  Emotions have a way to translate into actions. Actions are described with words and again stir up emotions that may become actions. If you don't know the language, you can't participate until someone translates for youand even then you will not have the same feelings. There is no way to portray a feeling in another language. It will be close but not the same. Elohim, Adoni, does not describe accurately Ahura Masda. Both were names for a single entity who created the whole universe. A biological being, called Adam, made out of the earth, named all things and all things were created. Job complete and humans existed, where humans did not exist before.


Before the poet writes the words, the heart of the poet sends a message that will be communicated to other people. We say "the heart," but it is not a flesh and blood organ that initiates the feeling. The muscle called heart is actually reacting to a thought. The thought is nowhere in physical form before it is put into words. Surprisingly it communicates itself into other people's hearts in a form of like or dislike. I may like another human, but I feel that the other human does not like me. I avoid that other human. The reasons for that dislike may be revealed later on as-need basis. Those reasons will be described in words and communicated by exhaling through vocal cords, producing sound vibrations that carry on in our atmosphere and stimulate the ear drums in another human. The sounds will be interpreted, converted into tiny electrical signals, and form a meaning in my main computer called the brain. The brain receives the signals and converts them back to feelings; this time those are my feelings which were initiated by the thoughts of the individual who communicated in the first place. This happens many times, engulfing whole humankind. Almost all the humans adjust the thoughts to suit their individual preference depending on their current physical situations.


            People express themselves not only with wards but often with physical actions. Dance is an example. Hugging, genuflecting, prostrating or lifting two spread fingers to symbolize victory, or at times, peace are also examples. The people of some cultures developed complicated poses that will help them express their religious or spiritual understanding of creation. The understanding will be expressed mostly to themselves in a feeble attempt to connect with the soul that is not physical nor attached to this earth. Yoga is famous for that. The dance of a, so called, primitive culture is designed the same way. Sometimes the dancers will become exhausted; other times they will spin to delirious heights and others will bow so quickly and furiously that they will be light headed. All of that for the same reason. The physical body loses its grasp - and the soul, for a duration, is as free as it is prelife or post-death. It is one with the creator and not submitting to the laws of planet Earth. Being creatures of this planet, we have but a few methods of sensing our souls. The modern people have none.


            In a gallant attempt not to believe in what we call God, our society divorced itself from the universe and became completely dependent on what can be physically proven. This group of people were fooled to the limit by religions and will not submit again. Some are still following rituals and books from days gone by, but they have to make themselves believe things that they know are not true. They do it more for political reasons then spiritual. Some mainstream churches comes to mind. They "believe" things that they have to hide from the believers since no sane modern person would believe it. Every religious organization is doing this, to some degree, but none direct people towards a non-materialistic spirituality. This phenomenon has been given new names and is widely exploited by some self-declared "enlightened" individuals who often make it look like some kind of a hoax.


            The people who believe that there is a cosmic spark within each individual are banished to a nonbelievers land. They are not useful to the old religions that compete with each other for power that no longer exists, and they are not welcome by those who declared that there is no God and are actively trying to prove it. It is simple. Humanity has outgrown the old explanations but isn't yet mature enough to understand the latest spiritual concepts.