Saturday, 21 May 2016

A letter to a dishartened American voter.

This is a letter from my American friend Tim and my reply. It is a critical time in America.

That seems to be the oldest trick in the book, doesn't it: screaming foul when you're the foul one.  They are all the same.  And the Democrats have taken a page from Hitler's play book: burning the Reichstag and blaming someone else for it.  

Tonight on the local CBS affiliate, the local news anchor began a story with, "While the race for the Democratic nomination is over, Bernie Sanders still hasn't gotten the word."  I don't think that I heard wrong. I nearly spit out my ravioli.  The unmitigated gall and arrogance of every fu**ing news person in the corporate media is astounding. We are a nation, now, without any credible news media outside of the internet.  From the network people to the local weekend anchor, they have done nothing but non-report, lie, and demean.  I really do hope that they all go to hell.  Sorry, but that's where my energy is going right now.  If someone shot them all, I wouldn't cry a single tear.  Human slime in suits is all they are.  They aren't simply mislead or normally biased. They're manipulative liars.  The one good thing that has come from all of this is that we are now realizing our slave status.  We now know that it isn't something that WE'RE doing wrong.  And now that we're able to stop blaming ourselves for our inability to "succeed," maybe we'll recognize how we've been manipulated all of these years.  I truly hope so.  These are really bad people.

I hope that Hillary gets indicted.  She'd be a good start.
Hallo my friend.
Do not allow yourself to become angry, save that energy for the fight. For a number of years the corporations, including media corporation, have ruled without a challenger. They got used to slowly increasing their power and step by step taking away all the little that the less fortunate had. With the news media and the politicians in their pockets, they learned how to make the citizens of a great democracy vote against themselves. There is a story in the Bible about a rich man hosting a party and slaughtering a poor man's oxen to feed his guests. Its not new.
Two things were beyond their control. The peasants (us) became more educated and the internet offered a way, beyond their control, for us to communicate. The elite had one card stashed away, the word Socialism was mixed up with the evil of Communism. Education solved that. Now in 2016 the world's peasants are waking up. Not only waking up but realizing that the leaders, economic and political, are willing to sacrifice our home planet for their temporary immediate gain. The people are rising up everywhere, not only in the United States. You can listen to any of the credible internet news channels such as Democracy Now, The Young Turks or RT America and with millions of other viewers judge the evidence for yourself.
The front line now is in your neighboring state of California, We know that there are numerous followers of Democratic Socialists there, but they are hidden from each other by the corporate news, the Republicans and the republican Democrats. It is up to each and everyone of us who can talk and write, to ask the Californians to show their numbers in the next two weeks. Gandy and later King called it Passive Resistance. We must comment everywhere we can and ask them to make themselves visible. They have to show the people who falsely believe that Sanders have no chance of winning, that he has a better chance then he ever did in this fight.  The corporations will fight back but only win if we will believe their lies and quit before the finish line.
Have heart my friend and put your keyboard to work. Even one comment in the right place can go viral and change America for ever.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during the 25th annual National Action Network convention on April 14, 2016 in New York City.

Friday, 20 May 2016

California for Bernie

Simpleraven Raven
California Bernie supporters. start making yourselves visible now. Students, gays, working poor, African Americans, emigrants, Native Americans, veterans, women, Artists, honorable police personnel,  start walking the streets with signs. Show who is the majority in California, regardless of media coverage.