Wednesday, 9 November 2016

A letter to an American friend, after the elections of 2016.

A letter to an American friend, after the elections of 2016.
Hallo my friend -------------

I NEED to vent my frustrations and I hope you don't mind if I do. I wish that I could write this letter to all Americans but at least I will write and send to you across the boarder. Warning, it is written in a sarcastic tone.


I was busy too, watching three different stations live coverage of the US election. I had a meeting but I excused myself. The faith of the world was being decided by two hundred and fifty million people, 99% whom have the power to make a difference but don't consider it important enough to pay attention to. The rest of us peasants are greatly effected by US interior and external policies but never have a chance to vote. The Iraqis didn't have a choice to vote against Bush but a million of them died in misery at his hands. The rest are refugees, fighters for or against ISIS or live back in the middle ages conditions that they lived in before Sadam. He gave them free health care, free education and other social benefits that they will never see again in their life time.  A brutal leader he was but the best they had. If it would have been Trump, instead of Bush, he would have kept their oil, as he said. Bush just gave it to his oil companies' bodies to profit from.
Well I watched speechless as the greatest Empire humanity ever seen, gave itself a rubber stamp approval to rape and pillage the world for at least another four years and perhaps destroy what's left for future generations. Those who chose to not participate will not escape either. They will pay for the wars Donald will start or continue, pay their share and the share of their rich countrymen who's taxes will be reduced. The poor's medical care will be reduced, minimum wages will not rise, their criminals will have better automatic weapons, their supreme courts will be more anti common-people and the list goes on.


Trump said that he is not interested in running the country, he will be busy making America great again, so the country will be runned by Mike Pence who is an evangelical Conservative with good Christian values. There will be no abortions, no gay rights, no unions and restrictions on making minorities (brown people) know their place. If a place in the world can be found for them.

He is a Right to Work man, a lot like that Good Catholic guy you are familiar with. Just now it will happen on big scale. This is just the better scenario I am describing. In the age of Mussolini and Hitler they went on to "convert" their countries to an ideology more suitable to their nature by introducing large scale Fascism, building bigger armies and conscripting the youth into their camp, using the best methods known at their time.


I guess the theory of Trump  being a human hand grenade, will be tested now. I assume that the people who voted for him thinking that he will make things so bad that it will cause a revolution, have a good organization in place, and some supplies ready in order to make it happen. I am sure they wouldn't have risked their own future and the future of the world just hopping that the Indians or blacks will do it. But they have to be careful, the Donald is very friendly with the Secrete Service, he said. You know, those are the guys who join a revolutionary organization, find out who are the leaders and execute them, or have them meet some other misfortune. In my opinion it would have been easier to beat Trump in the ballot box even if it was a long line up situation, or required checking voters registrations ahead of time. Even better, people could have been vigilant when the Republicans were making the voting restriction laws. A little effort at that time could have saved much bigger efforts now.
 It's amazing that people find time for watching sports and whatever else, watching others abusing welfare and boozing it up, but no time to participate in their own political process. We, (all of us who don't have money) are the cause of the problems we are suffering from. Knowing fully well that its easy to fix problems before they become disasters, we think that someone will be nice to us because we are good people and fix the problems for us. They don't and we assume that they made a mistake and will do it next time. Each time it becomes a bigger problem and soon it requires a war to fix.


Sheriff Arpaio knows Mr. Trump personally. What ever you think may happen to him, may change now. He may be reassigned to fix sexual immorality in Maricopa under the new establishment. If the Donald decides to implement the policies that the president of the Philippines is using, the old sheriff may be in charge of hit squads who will shoot people they suspect of drug offences and other violations of good Christian or family values.


Now that I downloaded my feelings about the events of 11/7 I guess I better find something to be joyful about.  I should think about all the good people who are fighting as hard as they can to make the world a better place even while others are neglecting their share of social duty. I see them on the internet all the time. They work hard to inform the "majority" about what it it is heading into. Some get arrested, other charged and some even disappear. One thing they have in common. They show LOVE for their fellow human being. Watching them lifts my spirit up.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Heart, soul and words.

 I was watching a video filmed in some dead poet's tomb. The people spoke Persian. Someone was reading the poet's words to some others. I listened intently, but all I could hear was meaningless gibberish. I saw that the listeners were very intense and one lifted an arm to wipe off a tear. The reader's voice quivered with emotion. I became serious, respecting what this people, on the screen of my computer, are feeling. They are emitting and receiving combinations of sounds that they all pre-agreed mean something.  Those are words in Persian language that is older than Hebrew, which I used to believe was the language of creation. God told Man to name all the animals and plants, and man gave them Hebrew words. The words, combined with other words, communicate an idea. The ideas combined with other ideas form into human emotions.  Emotions have a way to translate into actions. Actions are described with words and again stir up emotions that may become actions. If you don't know the language, you can't participate until someone translates for youand even then you will not have the same feelings. There is no way to portray a feeling in another language. It will be close but not the same. Elohim, Adoni, does not describe accurately Ahura Masda. Both were names for a single entity who created the whole universe. A biological being, called Adam, made out of the earth, named all things and all things were created. Job complete and humans existed, where humans did not exist before.


Before the poet writes the words, the heart of the poet sends a message that will be communicated to other people. We say "the heart," but it is not a flesh and blood organ that initiates the feeling. The muscle called heart is actually reacting to a thought. The thought is nowhere in physical form before it is put into words. Surprisingly it communicates itself into other people's hearts in a form of like or dislike. I may like another human, but I feel that the other human does not like me. I avoid that other human. The reasons for that dislike may be revealed later on as-need basis. Those reasons will be described in words and communicated by exhaling through vocal cords, producing sound vibrations that carry on in our atmosphere and stimulate the ear drums in another human. The sounds will be interpreted, converted into tiny electrical signals, and form a meaning in my main computer called the brain. The brain receives the signals and converts them back to feelings; this time those are my feelings which were initiated by the thoughts of the individual who communicated in the first place. This happens many times, engulfing whole humankind. Almost all the humans adjust the thoughts to suit their individual preference depending on their current physical situations.


            People express themselves not only with wards but often with physical actions. Dance is an example. Hugging, genuflecting, prostrating or lifting two spread fingers to symbolize victory, or at times, peace are also examples. The people of some cultures developed complicated poses that will help them express their religious or spiritual understanding of creation. The understanding will be expressed mostly to themselves in a feeble attempt to connect with the soul that is not physical nor attached to this earth. Yoga is famous for that. The dance of a, so called, primitive culture is designed the same way. Sometimes the dancers will become exhausted; other times they will spin to delirious heights and others will bow so quickly and furiously that they will be light headed. All of that for the same reason. The physical body loses its grasp - and the soul, for a duration, is as free as it is prelife or post-death. It is one with the creator and not submitting to the laws of planet Earth. Being creatures of this planet, we have but a few methods of sensing our souls. The modern people have none.


            In a gallant attempt not to believe in what we call God, our society divorced itself from the universe and became completely dependent on what can be physically proven. This group of people were fooled to the limit by religions and will not submit again. Some are still following rituals and books from days gone by, but they have to make themselves believe things that they know are not true. They do it more for political reasons then spiritual. Some mainstream churches comes to mind. They "believe" things that they have to hide from the believers since no sane modern person would believe it. Every religious organization is doing this, to some degree, but none direct people towards a non-materialistic spirituality. This phenomenon has been given new names and is widely exploited by some self-declared "enlightened" individuals who often make it look like some kind of a hoax.


            The people who believe that there is a cosmic spark within each individual are banished to a nonbelievers land. They are not useful to the old religions that compete with each other for power that no longer exists, and they are not welcome by those who declared that there is no God and are actively trying to prove it. It is simple. Humanity has outgrown the old explanations but isn't yet mature enough to understand the latest spiritual concepts.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

A letter to a dishartened American voter.

This is a letter from my American friend Tim and my reply. It is a critical time in America.

That seems to be the oldest trick in the book, doesn't it: screaming foul when you're the foul one.  They are all the same.  And the Democrats have taken a page from Hitler's play book: burning the Reichstag and blaming someone else for it.  

Tonight on the local CBS affiliate, the local news anchor began a story with, "While the race for the Democratic nomination is over, Bernie Sanders still hasn't gotten the word."  I don't think that I heard wrong. I nearly spit out my ravioli.  The unmitigated gall and arrogance of every fu**ing news person in the corporate media is astounding. We are a nation, now, without any credible news media outside of the internet.  From the network people to the local weekend anchor, they have done nothing but non-report, lie, and demean.  I really do hope that they all go to hell.  Sorry, but that's where my energy is going right now.  If someone shot them all, I wouldn't cry a single tear.  Human slime in suits is all they are.  They aren't simply mislead or normally biased. They're manipulative liars.  The one good thing that has come from all of this is that we are now realizing our slave status.  We now know that it isn't something that WE'RE doing wrong.  And now that we're able to stop blaming ourselves for our inability to "succeed," maybe we'll recognize how we've been manipulated all of these years.  I truly hope so.  These are really bad people.

I hope that Hillary gets indicted.  She'd be a good start.
Hallo my friend.
Do not allow yourself to become angry, save that energy for the fight. For a number of years the corporations, including media corporation, have ruled without a challenger. They got used to slowly increasing their power and step by step taking away all the little that the less fortunate had. With the news media and the politicians in their pockets, they learned how to make the citizens of a great democracy vote against themselves. There is a story in the Bible about a rich man hosting a party and slaughtering a poor man's oxen to feed his guests. Its not new.
Two things were beyond their control. The peasants (us) became more educated and the internet offered a way, beyond their control, for us to communicate. The elite had one card stashed away, the word Socialism was mixed up with the evil of Communism. Education solved that. Now in 2016 the world's peasants are waking up. Not only waking up but realizing that the leaders, economic and political, are willing to sacrifice our home planet for their temporary immediate gain. The people are rising up everywhere, not only in the United States. You can listen to any of the credible internet news channels such as Democracy Now, The Young Turks or RT America and with millions of other viewers judge the evidence for yourself.
The front line now is in your neighboring state of California, We know that there are numerous followers of Democratic Socialists there, but they are hidden from each other by the corporate news, the Republicans and the republican Democrats. It is up to each and everyone of us who can talk and write, to ask the Californians to show their numbers in the next two weeks. Gandy and later King called it Passive Resistance. We must comment everywhere we can and ask them to make themselves visible. They have to show the people who falsely believe that Sanders have no chance of winning, that he has a better chance then he ever did in this fight.  The corporations will fight back but only win if we will believe their lies and quit before the finish line.
Have heart my friend and put your keyboard to work. Even one comment in the right place can go viral and change America for ever.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during the 25th annual National Action Network convention on April 14, 2016 in New York City.

Friday, 20 May 2016

California for Bernie

Simpleraven Raven
California Bernie supporters. start making yourselves visible now. Students, gays, working poor, African Americans, emigrants, Native Americans, veterans, women, Artists, honorable police personnel,  start walking the streets with signs. Show who is the majority in California, regardless of media coverage.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

The Family Connection.

The Family Connection is perhaps the most important directive in our lives, right after self preservation. My wife Maddie comes from a large farm family. Her oldest sister left home before Maddie was born. She lived in a city and it took a whole day of travel plus expenses for them to meet.   the older sister came to visit once each year, so they hardly knew each other. When Maddie left the farm, she went to the city and stayed with Annett who helped her to set herself up and become self sufficient. Maddie married me and I inherited the family connection. We stayed in touch, some times holidaying together, until Annett and later her husband passed away. The husband and I had a family connection even though we were strangers.

I have relatives in Europe. I never met them and we don't speak a common language. I truly don't even remember their names, which in any case I couldn't even pronounce properly. They are my cousins, but if I met them in the street I would never guess that we have "a family connection." In my younger days we could have met in opposing uniforms and would have eagerly killed each other. One never know, our physical appearance might even be identical. From old photographs, one can tell that we look similar to each other.

What is that family connection that we value much and are willing to invest in. It is simply the knowing that something exists, something that is not physical. Maddy was born to the same mother that gave birth to her sister Annett many years before. They might have physical resemblance especially in medical ways. On the other hand they may not. They kept a relationship that was mutually beneficial. In my case the relationship to my relatives was never cultivated therefore its non-existent.

If I found a person injured on the side of the road and saved his life, I could be saving the life of one of my mother's nephews, I simply don't know. Because I don't know, all of the people in the world become potentially my relatives and share in my "family connection". My Christian faith dictates that if I help the least of my brothers I am helping my lord and saviour. The one who also said that we are all his mother and brothers if we do the biding of our God, namely helping the least of our brothers. What a circle.

I have a family, a tribe, a nation, simply because I know it. I look at myself as a part of something bigger. I can trace my connection to a big group of people through what I know and disassociate from others for the same reason. Am I a unique entity of any importance, or is there a thing called Humanity and I am just one tiny replaceable part in it.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Heaven Vs. Hell
Both Heaven and Hell Reside in your mind. You can make them anything you want. You can tell them to be independent and surprise you. After all You've never been to either one. One of the grown ups at some point long ago, when you were a child, introduced you to the idea. Perhaps said, I don't steal from other people because I don't want to go to Hell. You were hooked. It was important to find out what the elder family member was scared of. By the time you were 12 or 14, you had a pretty good idea. Perhaps it had something to do with girls not remaining virgins. You combined the tidbits that you've heard from people and you made yourself believe it. Since one doesn't believe something that is not true, it was true.
        People seem to have a tendency to receive what they expect. Often you observe people suffering from what you know they were scared of. It is mostly true that the limit of what happens to individuals is the limit of their own imagination. One doesn't become the president of a country without trying to. The point I am making is, people bring the worst or the best upon themselves not by wishing it, not by prying for it, but by thinking that it is possible. Something in their mind makes the believe that a possibility exists and in a few moves in the game of life it becomes their reality.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Free Canada Justin



I checked It wouldn't take much my grocery cart items. Some baking was local, most vegetables were imports and the rest, from somewhere else. In some instances items were "packed" in some Canadian location. We have the ability to produce all common vegetables in green houses in Canada relatively cheep even in winter. Trade agreements keep us hostage to the Empire and we are forced to use our resources to enrich corporations that hide their income off shore. Why don't our government learn from Iran?  It wouldn't take much for the Empire to turn against us. We must develop our independence by taking steps towards it. It would provide lots of job opportunities.
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